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Getting Out — buy book | 9780976082279

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    Berit Duff

    Getting Out
    Your Guide to Leaving America

    by Mark Ehrman

    Getting Out – Click Here

    • Genres: travel, reference, research
    • ISBN: 9780976082279 (0976082276)
    • Format: paperback, 320 pages
    • Author: Mark Ehrman
    • Language: english
    • Publisher: Process Media
    • Release date: October 1, 2006

    About The Book

    Had enough?

    Whether you find the government oppressive, the economy spiraling out of control, or if you simply want adventure, you’re not alone. In increasing numbers, the idea is talked about openly: Expatriate.

    Over three hundred thousand Americans emigrate each year, and more than a million go to foreign lands for lengthy stays.

    But picking up and moving to another country feels like a step into the void. Where to go? How to begin? What to do?

    Volume 2 of the Process Self-Reliance Series, this smartly designed two-color guidebook walks you through the world of the expat: the reasons, the rules, the resources, and the tricks of the trade, along with compelling stories and expertise from expatriate Americans on every continent.

    Getting Out shows you where you can most easily gain residence, citizenship, or work permits; where can you live for a fraction of the cost of where you’re living now; and what countries would be most compatible with your lifestyle, gender, age, or political beliefs.

    So if you’ve had enough of what they’re selling here and want to take your life elsewhere — well, isn’t that the American way? At any rate, it’s not illegal. Not yet, anyway.

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